THE Future

1. THE CEO Grade

After Initial minting, 10000 R-grade CEOs Left.

THE CEO NFT Consists of a total of 4 grades.

There are only 50 Mythic-grade CEOs

THE M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions)

FOR M&A, Two CEOs and a certain amount of CEO tokens are required for M&A.

Two low-grade CEOs are transformed into one high-ranking CEO through M&A.

Among the two CEOs, select THE CEO you want to keep the image. Then the other will be burnt.

Going from SSR-grade to Mythic-grade consumes more tokens than other M&As

Only 50 Mythic-grade CEOs can be made on a first-come, first-served basis. First-comer can choose one first from hidden images.

2. THE Future benefits

THE CEO NFT Holders going to have THE CEO Tokens by staking it.

THE CEO NFT Holders will have two more additional NFTs airdrops or WL.

SR or Higher level NFT Holders will have airdrops, and R grade Holders will receive WL for these two projects.

These 2 NFTs & 1 Token will play a very pivotal role in THE CEO ecosystem.

Name of these two Project are THE VISION & THE OFFICE.

THE VISION, endless possibilities. THE OFFICE, enthusiasm & specialties

The tokens and the benefits of each NFT will be detailed in each white paper to be released in the future.

Last updated